Supports for Adults
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DODD Electronic ICF Informational Booklet: Click here

The coordination of supports for adults with developmental disabilities (age 22 and older) in Harrison County is guided by the principle of self-determination. This means that each person we serve is given the freedom to determine what their lives will look like and what they want to get out of life. This is done through a person-centered planning process and it is helping people become more independent and active in their community.
The Harrison County Board funds and/or provides supports for adults according to what each person needs and wants.
Supports for adults may include, but are not limited to the following:
Community/Supported Employment - Full-time or part-time community-based individual and group employment opportunities.
Vocational Training - Development of skills needed to become employed and stay employed.
Adult Day Activities - Experiences that enhance a person’s quality of life. These include social, leisure, recreational, and enrichment activities that can be provided in a variety of settings.
Residential – The County Board funds supports that enable people to live in the community and works with residential providers to develop housing options. This includes privately-owned homes, apartments and Intermediate Care Facilities (ICFs), which are funded through Medicaid and provide 24-hour care.
Transportation – The Board provides transportation to adults from home to work and everywhere else.